Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network


Privacy measures in alumni directory

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At WUDA Alumni Network, we are fully aware of the importance of information security. Our web site and programs are designed with privacy in mind from day one, and we constantly improve the security of information stored on our web site.

1. Email and phone numbers are displayed as image

Why display email and phone numbers as image? Because spammers usually use automated method to gather information online. Displaying information as an image rather than text defeats that measure.

Why don't also display home address as image as well? There is no such need. When getting contact information online, spammers are mainly interested in email addresses.  Home addresses (and also phone numbers) are more easily available on your local phone directories. In fact, there is a NASDAQ listed company (based on Omaha, NE) specialized in gathering such information from phone books and selling to mail or telemarketing companies.

How to protect my phone number from being abused? Register with the national do-not-call-list, at http://www.donotcall.gov/, it's very effective.

2. Limit information to be only available to members of your local alumni group

The alumni directory has a feature to allow information to be available only to people within the local alumni group. If you choose this option, your information will not be available to everybody. Only people with a password of your local alumni group will be able to search/view your information.  Also, when you update your own information, you will be asked to provide your password.

The group password is available from your local alumni association contact person.

If you want to add a new local group, please contact us at   wusmoaa @ wuda-alumni . org

3. Other measures

If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

This page was created by Yidao Cai on Sept. 13, 2004. Last modified on 2010/08/29.

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