Send/Update Your Information to the Alumni List

The maintaince of our alumni list has envolved from purely manual (email based) to now almost all automatic (web-based). As you may have experienced, it takes a lot of time to deal with the alumni information, both on your side and the list maintainer side. With the computer programs we developed over the years, this job is made easier, but still, it takes the list maintainer time and effort to maintain it.

In the following, I'll explain how we handle/use the alumni information and how you can help to improve the overall functionality of the alumni list.

The alumni information is stored in a data base that contains the following fields: Name, Year, Department, Address, Email, Phone Number, etc. These information are used to sort the list according to last name, year entered, old department/institute, country/region currently resides. All fields in the alumni information are optional except for the Name field (which is obviously neccessary). However, in order to make the list more useful, we would appreciate you also put the year you studied/worked in our university and leave at least one form of contact information. Specifically,

  1. Name The name field is used to sort according to your Name in Pinyin. We may add a num like (2) after your name, if more than one person share the same name. When searching, we only use the information on the first line. As a result, please put all other information on the second line in your name field, including name in Chinese, English, etc. Putting your English name in the first line or only use your English name does not help, since your old classmates most likely do not know your English name at all.

  2. Year The information in this field is used to identify the first year your studied or worked in the University. 3. Department/Institute your worked for. We use information on the Department lines to generate the list.

  3. Country/Region We use the mailing address, current affiliation and email address, in that order, to figure out where you are. So it is important for you to put relevent information at least in one of the three places. If you do not wish to give your full address, something like Canada or Texas, USA would be good enough.

    For people in US, we use full state name or "IL 34567" in address field to match the state. State abbrevation like in "Chicago, IL" without zip code is not sufficient. In that case, please change to "Chicago, Illinois" format.

  4. Department/Institute Information in this field is used for classification of department/institute you studied in (worked for). We will match one department per line. So if you wish to be classified into two departments, put them each on a seperate line.
Here are some extra guidelines that would help.

Security of Alumni information

The information in our alumni list is used by our alumni and friends, thus we could not make it confidential. However, we do our best to protect it from people who may use it for purposes we do not intend to.

Please send comments and suggestions to Yidao Cai.
This page was created on December 3, 1995. Last modified on: July 21, 2003