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HBMU/WDHSC alumni gathering at Houston

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送交时间:2001/11/07 11:45
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USMLE hotel map: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Philadelphia.

HBMU/WDHSC alumni gathering at Houston

cai 贴于2001/11/07 11:45 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Original email sent to alumni net on Oct. 25, 2001.

Hi everybody,

Greetings! As you all know, we have an annual "cold winter" meeting in east
coast. When president TU Jiancheng took office early this year, he suggested
a meeting in Texas. I did not realize that there are so many HBMUers in
Texas. It's certainly an excellent idea. I had expected a "hot summer"
meeting somewhere in Houston-Dallos-Austin-San Antonio area, but due to
my laziness and many personal interruptions, I never formally contacted
you guys to discuss this.

The show must go on. Instead of a "hot summer" meeting, we can have
a "warm winter" meeting, taking advantage of the climate in southern Texas.
Dr. XIAO Shu-Yuan suggests that the first meeting can be held in Houston,
since we have slightly more people in the Houston area. He further suggests
that for the first time (since many of us don't know each other), it would
be a good idea to have dinner or lunch in China town of Houston. Once we
all become familiar among ourselves, we can then discuss about future

gatherings. As for the date, I propose the coming Thinksgaving weekend,
maybe that Friday or Saturday (Nov. 23 or 24). If most of you think Christmas
is better, we can also do it at that time.

I am sending this first message to all on our alumni list, partly to inform
you of the event and partly to invite those outside Texas to join us. Many
of you outside Houston area may plan to stay for a night or two, I am sure
that people in Houston can provide places to stay.

Please email me and let us know if you intend to join us, so that we can
have a rough head count in order to make reservations. I also would also
like to hear from you more specific suggestions. My email address is
cai @ neurophys . wisc . edu or yidao . cai @ uth . tmc . edu . The cai @ nba241 . . . account
will not be able to accept any email. My phone number is 713-500-5579 (o),
713-436-4482 (h).

Thank you and I am certain everybody will have a good time. My early
Thanksgiving greetings to everybody!

Yidao Cai

Picture of Rice University in Houston.


Houston gathering date/place set --- cai 2001/11/07 11:54 (1090 bytes) [图]

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