Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

Last Week's Gathering

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送交者:XQ Kang
送交时间:2004/02/02 07:29
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级


Last Week's Gathering

XQ Kang 贴于2004/02/02 07:29 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear Alumni:

Last Saturday’s gathering was a great success. More than 20 alumni and
their family members have attended the gathering. I am pleased to see
so many new faces showing up and growing interest on association among
alumni. There were great discussions among alumni regarding our
association and various issues. The gathering lasted longer than we
expected and ended at 3:30 PM. Time was too short.

With this letter, Cheng-fu and I officially conclude our 2003 term and
step down as vice president and president of WUSMOAA. It was great pleasure

for me to be the president of this great organization. I appreciated the
opportunity to serve you. Cheng-fu and I thank all our alumni for supporting

our work. Here I like to specially thank Yidao for his enthusiastic,
consistent, sacrificing work and support to our organization. He is the
true hero in our organization.

Finally, We congratulate our new president, Shen Zhong for 2004. Let’s
our best to support his work and WUSMOAA.

Xiaoqiang Kang
Cheng-Fu Li

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