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DC and Houston summary

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送交时间:2004/07/30 08:38
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DC and Houston summary

cai 贴于2004/07/30 08:38 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Please goto the bottom to see pictures of Wuda delegates in DC area.

The Wuda delegation concluded their three-day visit of Houston. The main event was the meeting with the delegates Sunday evening (July 25), which 30+ alumni showed up. Among them, 3 belong to the Medical School (Xiao Shu-yuan, Zheng Hao and Yidao Cai). Xiao and Zheng also attended the dinner earlier.

President Liu Jinan briefed the merger of four universities and the setup of the new Wuda, then the delegates answered questions. For our interest, Wuda is loosely divided into several 部 BU (which they translate into faculty). 医学部 Yixue Bu currently consists of 医学院 Medical School, 口腔学院 Dental School, 公共卫生学院 School of Public Health, 基础医学院 School of Basic Medical Sciences, two hospitals (人民, 中南), and 护理学院 Nursing School. However, 药学院 School of Pharmacy belongs to 理学部 Lixue Bu, as well as the College of Life Sciences (CLS) 生命科学学院. In fact, most of the basic medical-related sciences are in the CLS.

(Wuda delegates meets alumni in DC)

On the question of neuroscience, which draw probably the largest crowd among science-related conferences every year, President Liu seemed not well prepared and just general addressed as "important" and it will be housed in the Medical School. However, it was not listed among the wish list in the material they distributed, suggesting that they have not put it on their priority.

(President Liu and Dean Fan with alumni)

In general, this delegates have a clear view of the future of the university.They are also trying to address a major problem in Chinese universities: 近亲繁殖,
(professors mostly graduated from the same university) by recruiting people graduated from other universities.


武汉大学访美考察团日程 (7月15日---8月3日) --- cai 2004/07/13 07:09 (1415 bytes)

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