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"Fresh Blood"

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送交时间:2005/03/10 18:51
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"Fresh Blood"

Hubei 贴于2005/03/10 18:51 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear Fellows & Friends,

After I read all comments of this web site, I conclude that this website of Hubei Medical University lacks novelty, and needs “fresh blood”.

Very often, a group of contributor authors attacked each other. Very typical cases may look like that Dr. A attacked professor B; Gentleman C found and then reported that Mr. D was cheating. Being honest is very important personal and professional attributor. If you play games of cheating in American regularly, you will be caught for sure one day or another. Immediately, you will lost all of your credits and will be in big trouble forever.

However, being honest is necessary (or minimal), but not enough, for your optimal survival and development in North America. Please pay attention to my words “ necessary but not enough” simply because a lot of American citizens are honest, but they do not live wealthily. There have to be other important factors or laws that decide your qualities of survival and development. I know that most of us entered into America primarily as F1, J1 and H1 visa holders. As soon as you became mature and/or qualified for green card application, you should set up your application immediately. For people who want to came to America or who just landed, be advised that green card will be your goal with top priority. To my knowledge, numerous individuals, by various types of ways (legally or semi-legally), made it possible. After 9/11 attack, green card application turns to be stricter than it was before. Paying some attorney fees will be extremely helpful simply because this is the most efficient and professional way of accomplishing your strategic goals.

Once green card is granted, then we have hundreds of choices. Finding a decent job is very important, but not the only one, and definitely not the best one! Very often, I found that some one said that Dr. G finds a professor position at a H Institute or at I company, or at J University, et al. For sure, in America, finding a job is generally regarded as a pierce of positive news. Due to our generally narrow exposure to American, majority of our fellows have been doing research in biomedical laboratories as mainstream of job types. Compared to what we earned in Mainland China, the salary of a researcher is significantly increased. However, please remember that we are living in America, not in Mainland China anymore. We pay our gasoline in US dollars, not in RMB anymore. America is a nation of Capitalism. Your social status is valued and then ranked by your money, or as an extension by your asset, like house(s), stock or anything valuable. Unfortunately, most scientists are underpaid in American salary system. Biomedical research has only served as an assistant for America Medical system. Your miserable salary, as monitored by your W-2 form annually, will appear short in a society with tons of excellent goods and wonderful services. For these reasons, you have to open your minds and pursue additional channel(s) of acquiring wealth. How to acquire additional wealth efficiently and quickly? I tell you guys next time.

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