Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

I do not think all of these comments are critical , or even important!

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送交时间:2005/04/25 11:13
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级

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I do not think all of these comments are critical , or even important!

Hubei 贴于2005/04/25 11:13 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Everything is changing and everything is full of competition!

Practically, there is little value of figuring out who is the oldest unvesrity, something. No matter you like it or no, it happened. It's critical how much you contribute to the nation's economy. China has old civilization for thousnads of years, but right now we are still a developing nation, in other words we are too "old". In my opinion, being old is negative stuff in most cases.


你说的算数吗? --- 中国人 2005/04/22 03:42 (124 bytes)

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