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[Houston] Post-doc from Medical School looking for apartment

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送交时间:2006/09/04 11:37
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[Houston] Post-doc from Medical School looking for apartment

houston 贴于2006/09/04 11:37 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Ms. Ji Xuemei, will come to Houston on September 14 to be a post-doc at Dr. Kumar, Rakesh's lab of Department of Molecular & Cellular Oncology, The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Ms. Ji Xuemei earned her Ph.D. at Medical School of Wuhan University in July, 2006.

Ms. Ji Xuemei is looking for a one-bedroom apartment or sharing a two-bedroom apartment starting from September 14, 2006. She will stay at least three months and her husband will join her from China.

If you have some information of available apartment, please tell me and I will pass to her!

Best wishes,


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