送交时间:2010/03/10 20:07 武汉大学校友论坛 (www.wuda-alumni.org) 加跟贴 加新贴 |
难忘珞珈 湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级 寻人购物区
[WUSMOAA] Alumni in the year of Tigerwusm 贴于2010/03/10 20:07 (武汉大学校友论坛)
Time flies. It's already in the Year of Tiger. According to the by-law of our association, it is my turn to serve you as the president this year. Also according to the by-law, Dr. Zhongfa Yang becomes the president-elect since he was the vice president of the past year. Zhongfa is a graduate of 83 and 86 (postgraduate) from our university. Dr. Zhenhui Li has graciously agreed to serve as our vice president, then President-elect for the next year. Zhenhui is a postgraduate of 86 from our university. Yidao will be our Director in charge of communication. Any introduction of Yidao to our Alumni is unnecessary. Zhongfa and Zhenhui are enthusiastic about our association and will assist Yinghong to better serve our association for the year of Tiger. I have personally witnessed their remarkable ability in organizing various activities. Zhongfa is also actively engaged with, as well as an organizer for all activities of New Wu Da (Wuhan University) alumni in The Greater Boston Areas, representing Hu Yi (Medical School) in this organization for the past several years. Zhenhui will organize the cruise activity this year. Thanks to Zhenhui, we are looking forward to going on cruise this year. We plan to do three things: 1. Reform the organizational structure of our WUSMOAA by establishing local chapters in order to activate the WUSMOAA. We all recognize how hard it has been for the general WUSMOAA to organize a successful activity. The idea is to have as many as necessary the local chapters of WUSMOAA, such as Boston–WUSMOAA, 87 graduate-WUSMOAA, 79-WUSMOAA, Stanford–WUSMOAA, Michigan-WUSMOAA, and Cleveland–WUSMOAA. Details about our local chapter will be posted very soon after the Chinese New Year. 2. Have more oversea graduate from HuYi registered. I notice that many alumni have not registered yet. We will ask the presidents of our local chapters to help get these alumni registered. 3. Organize a group cruise trip for our alumni, most likely in the Christmas season, if there are enough interests in the region. For the 1st two, I'd appreciate your suggestions. At this moment they remain my personal thoughts and I need your input. I understand that it'd be wise to announce the agenda after some personal consultation with our prestigious members. However, we all are just so busy...and I hope this email note will serve the purpose. I believe that I will have your full support and gracious understanding. As many of you know, we have not changed the members of executive committees for a while. To keep our association to be viable and active, I think that it is important to get more new and young alumni into the committee. We sincerely hope that our alumni can volunteer and come forward to provide suggestions to improve our association. As always, needless to say, it would be impossible for the easy communication among our alumni without Yidao Cai's altruistic contributions to maintaining the IT platform for us. We owe him a great gratitude. I am sure many alumni in Mid-Atlantic area are stranded by the record-breaking snowstorms and gale force winds. I was so exhausted from shoveling. Driving can be extremely dangerous. Please stay warm and don’t try to make it in to work. After a week of being snowed in, people are going to need some help. Wish our alumni in the area are doing fine. Wish you all Happy New Year and Happy Chinese New Year! Ying-Hong Feng, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 4301 Jones Bridge Road Bethesda, MD 20814 USA Tel.: 301-295-3232 Fax: 301-295-3220 http://www.usuhs.mil/pha/yhfeng.html
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