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Image 1

998x405 (161 kb)
Song Changjie
鄂医87研合影 |
Image 2

1000x750 (230 kb)
Song Changjie
At Church |
Image 3

968x648 (189 kb)
shen Zhong
钟申与辛华雯,杨静合影于水果湖 |
Image 4

761x524 (70 kb)
shen Zhong
宜昌三游洞(1989 summer) |
Image 5

743x520 (65 kb)
shen Zhong
夜游大坝船闸 |
Image 6

747x506 (66 kb)
shen Zhong
找一下都有谁? |
Image 7

747x510 (355 kb)
shen Zhong
谁笑得最好? |
Image 8

738x524 (71 kb)
shen Zhong
又一张合影 |
Image 9

761x538 (65 kb)
shen Zhong
找一下自已是否在里面 |
Image 10

510x706 (86 kb)
shen Zhong
恩施考查队 |
Image 11

762x498 (38 kb)
shen Zhong
还记华得Audrey老师? |
Image 12

747x510 (72 kb)
shen Zhong
好象是一次联欢会后 |
Image 13

743x506 (82 kb)
shen Zhong
口腔糸全体 |
Image 14

756x510 (83 kb)
shen Zhong
全体"班干部" |
Image 15

729x520 (76 kb)
shen Zhong
恩施,1938年湖北医学院建于此井旁 |
Image 16

968x648 (249 kb)
shen Zhong
双层BUS |
Image 17

968x648 (204 kb)
shen Zhong
中南医院门诊大楼,国内唯一用中法文双注标志的building. |
Image 18

648x968 (147 kb)
shen Zhong
学校门前的"弘毅大酒店" |
Image 19

968x648 (228 kb)
shen Zhong
东实验楼 |
Image 20

968x648 (212 kb)
shen Zhong
西实验楼 |
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on Thu Feb 25 09:54:27 2016.
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This page was first created on 2008/01/30.
The page format was last modified on 2010/09/01.