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Dean Fan Mingwen visits U.S.

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送交者:for Zhong Shen
送交时间:2002/03/25 11:12
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Dean Fan Mingwen visits U.S.

for Zhong Shen 贴于2002/03/25 11:12 (武汉大学校友论坛)

>From: "Shen Zhong" <zhongs @ stanleyresearch . org>
>Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:40:52 -0500

Dr. Fan Mingwen, Chairman of School of Medicine, Wuhan University and
Dr. Bian Zhuan, Dean of the Stomatological College & Hospital, Wuhan
University, visited U.S. between March 6-15. Here is the outline of
their U.S. trip.

During March 6-11, Chairman Fan and Dean Bian attended the 80th IADR
annual meeting in San Diego, one of the biggest events in international
dentistry community. They also took advantage of meeting break, visited
and met with director of International office of Kansas University,
discussing issues regarding some new visiting scholar projects.

They arrived in Washington DC area after the IADR meeting on March 12th,
invited by HOPE project foundation. This foundation has a extremely strong
interest in helping us - School of Medicine, Wuhan University, to launch
a brand new high quality nurse school program without compensation. Some
pre-settlement document will be on line soon.

On March 13rd afternoon, accompanied with Dr. Zheng Zhiming, Chairman Fan
and Dean Bian visited some genetic research labs in NIH.

On March 14th, they visited Cancer Research Center hosted by Dr. Wang
Yanlin; one of the Neuron Science labs, Medical Information Library and
some other sites in Johns Hopkins major campus hosted by Dr. Tu Jiancheng.

After the lunch break, they visited National Dentistry Museum, where is
located in UMAB major campus. Before the alumni welcome dinner, they stopped
by Dr. YE Shuiqing's lab at Asthma and Allergy Center, Bay View campus of
Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Ye introduced in details a pioneer bio-
informatics tool (Micro Array analysis equipment) to Dean Fan and Bian,
and expressed his personal interesting and willing to cooperate with our
Wuda Medical School.

Around 6.00pm, some of alumni members sat in a Chinese buffet restaurant and
shared a pleasant monument with Dean Fan and Bian. During the dinner, Dean
Fan encouraged all of alumni in the world to stop by our Wuda/HBMU to share
your achievement, working experience and bring more cooperative projects, when
you back hometown for vacation or visit your family member. In the future,
our oversea alumni association will play more important role as a bridge
between alumni and alma mater.

Due to Dean Fan and Bian's tight schedule, and the gathering party schedule
was not on weekend, just a part of our Baltimore area alumni attended that
welcome gathering dinner. They are:

Dr. Tu, Jiancheng
Dr. Ye, Shuiqing
Dr. Wang, Yanlin
Dr. Liu, Jiaen
Dr. Zhong,Shen

On home school side, except Dean Fan Mingwen and Bian Zhuan, Professor Zhong
Linsheng who is visiting his son in Maryland also joined our dinner.


Dr. Zheng's supplement --- cai 2002/03/25 16:45 (989 bytes)

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