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Dr. Zheng's supplement

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送交时间:2002/03/25 16:45
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级

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Dr. Zheng's supplement

cai 贴于2002/03/25 16:45 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:28:18 -0500
From: "Zheng, Zhi-Ming (Thomas) (NCI)" <zhengt @ exchange . nih . gov>

Acturally, Drs. Fan and Bian visited my laboratory at NIH for almost two
hours and had a dinner with my family in my home on March 13. We had various
discussions on how a medical school and a dental school shoud look like
according to today's international standard. I had tried to arrange them to
meet Dr. Bruce Baum, Chief of Gene Therapy and Therapeutics Branch at NIDCR
since both Drs. Fan and Bian are interested in development of Carie DNA
vaccine, but wasn't successful because of our late arrival and Dr. Baum had
a family emergency. However, I did show them that laboratory.

In addition, we have arranged both Drs. Fan and Bian to meet with Dr. Ke Ren
at University of Maryland Dental School. Unfornately, Dr. Ren was participating an important meeting with a talk that day and missed
this unusual occasion. He disappointed for his absence.

Zhi-Ming Zheng


Dean Fan Mingwen visits U.S. --- for Zhong Shen 2002/03/25 11:12 (2815 bytes)

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